Gabe Zichermann
Entrepreneur, Gamification Expert, Author
Jesse Schell
Game Designer, CEO of Schell Games & Author of "The Art of Game Design"
Tyler Oakley
YouTuber, LGBTQ+ Activist, Author, Social Media Influencer
Brenda Louise Romero
Award-Winning Game Designer & Developer
Brian Stelter
Former Senior Media Correspondent for CNN & Host of Reliable Sources
Tal Ben-Shahar
Author, Positive Psychology Expert, Happiness Studies Pioneer
Christi Tasker
Social Media Branding Queen and Keynote Speaker
Nicholas Burns
Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy & International Politics, Harvard Kennedy School
Jay Samit
Digital Pioneer, Innovator, Serial Disruptor, Futurist & Business Strategist
Mark Jeffries
Communication Consultant, Presentation Coach, Emcee & Moderator
Thomas Pogge
Philosopher Thomas Pogge wants to ensure medications get to those who need it most. He has published on a wide range of subjects such as global justice and human rights.
William Powers
Best-Selling Author of Hamlet's BlackBerry
Wagner James Au
Authority on the Metaverse, Virtual Worlds & the Game Industry
Braden Kelley
Organizational Agility for Innovation & Change
Jimmy Wales
Founder of Wikipedia & Wikitribune
Jack Shaw
Corporate Financial Executive; Software Company Executive; Innovation & Change Management Consultant; Author
Thomas Frey
Leading Visionary, Futurist & Executive Director of the DaVinci Institute
Daniel Kraft, M.D.
Physician-Scientist, Inventor & Entrepreneur
Jim Carroll
Leading Global Futurist, Trends & Innovation Expert, Artificial Intelligence Speaker, Author
Daniel Burrus
Leading Futurist, Disruptive Innovation Expert & Strategic Advisor