Sir Richard Branson
Businessman & Founder of Virgin Group
Daniel Kraft, M.D.
Physician-Scientist, Inventor & Entrepreneur
Dr. Michio Kaku
World-Renowned Futurist & Theoretical Physicist; Author of "The God Equation"
James Clear
#1 New York Times Bestseller of "Atomic Habits" & Personal Development Expert
Jeffrey Kluger
Journalist; Editor and Writer at TIME MAGAZINE. Author of 8 books, including APOLLO 13.
Dr. Gregory Stock
Biotech Entrepreneur; Bestselling Author; CEO of Socratic Sciences; Founding Co-Director of Precision Wellness Center at Mt. Sinai Medical School
Michael Rogers
Award-Winning Journalist, Novelist & Dynamic Futurist Exploring Technology, Culture & Human Nature; Author of "Email from the Future: Notes from 2084"
Dan Buettner
National Geographic Writer, Renowned Explorer, Award-Winner Journalist, Health Advocate & Bestselling Author of "Blue Zones"
Dara Torres
12x Olympic Medalist, NYT Bestselling Author, Entrepreneur & Healthcare Reform Advocate
Dan Siegel
New York Times Best-Selling Author, Neuropsychiatrist, Mindsight Educator & Interpersonal Neurobiologist
Jon Bergmann
Pioneer of the Flipped Class Movement & Bestselling Author of "Flip Your Classroom"; Member of the TED-Education Advisory Board
Daymond John
"Shark Tank" Investor; Founder & CEO of FUBU; Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship
David Moinina Sengeh
Minister Of Basic and Senior Secondary Education & Chief Innovation Officer for the Government of Sierra Leone
Dave Asprey
Founder of Bulletproof, Father of Biohacking & NYT Best-Selling Author
Laura Carstensen
Stanford University, Professor of Psychology & Public Policy; Expert on Longevity & Aging
Aubrey de Grey
Biomedical Gerontologist, Chief Science Officer at SENS, Longevity Researcher
Fay Cobb Payton, PhD
Author of "Leveraging Intersectionality: Seeing and Not Seeing"; Special Advisor on Inclusive Innovation and Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science at Rutgers University
Michael Archer
Paleontologist Michael Archer is working to bring back his favorite extinct animal: the Tasmanian tiger.
Joyce Maynard
Journalist & Bestselling Author
Laura Snyder
Professor; Science Historian; Philosopher; Author of "The Philosophical Breakfast Club"