Ryan Calo
Expert in Generative AI, Privacy, and Misinformation; Professor & Co-Founder of the Tech Policy Lab and Center for an Informed Public at the University of Washington
Ronald C. Arkin
Roboticist & Roboethicist; Regents' Professor in the School of Interactive Computing, College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology
Wendell Wallach
Chair Technology & Ethics Research Group at Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics
Michael Kearns
Computer Scientist, Author of "The Ethical Algorithm" & Professor at the University of Pennsylvania
Mark Coeckelbergh
Belgian Philosopher of Technology; Professor of Philosophy of Media and Technology at the University of Vienna; Artificial Intelligence & Technology Ethics Expert
Fay Cobb Payton, PhD
Author of "Leveraging Intersectionality: Seeing and Not Seeing"; Special Advisor on Inclusive Innovation and Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science at Rutgers University
John Danaher
Senior Lecturer at NUI Galway School of Law & Author
Aaron Roth
Professor at the University of Pennsylvania & Author of "The Ethical Algorithm"
Frank Pasquale
Professor of Law at Cornell Tech and Cornell Law School & Expert on the Law of Artificial Intelligence; Author on AI Ethics
Virginia Dignum
Professor of Responsible AI, Wallenberg Chair, Umeå University
Cennydd Bowles
Designer, Futurist & Technology Ethicist; Author of "Future Ethics"
Daphne Koller
Computer Scientist Working at the Forefront of Machine Learning and Biomedicine; Founder & CEO of insitro
Nick Bostrom
Professor at Oxford University, Director of the Future of Humanity Institute & Strategic Artificial Intelligence Research Center
Hava Siegelmann
Computer Science Professor; Leader in Lifelong Learning, AI & Computational Neuroscience
Lisa Gelobter
Founder & CEO of tEQuitable
Amber Case
Cyborg Anthropologist, Author, Former MIT & Harvard Fellow
Gerd Leonhard
Futurist, Humanist, Author, Filmmaker, Public Thinker & CEO The Futures Agency; Inspirational Speaker on Future-Ready Leadership & Resilience
Dr. Michio Kaku
World-Renowned Futurist & Theoretical Physicist; Author of "The God Equation"
Dr. Rumman Chowdhury
CEO & Co-Founder, Humane Intelligence; Responsible AI Fellow at Harvard University & Former Director of AI Ethics at Twitter
Richard van Hooijdonk
Futurist, International Trendwatcher, Authority on Artificial Intelligence & Emerging Technologies