Teacher Workshops Speakers

Browse our motivational and inspirational keynote speakers on Teacher Workshops to engage, educate, and entertain your audience. These top-rated speakers and performers include industry experts, authors, and business leaders who can present their knowledge in a variety of different formats, such as a keynote speech, moderated conversation, Q&A, or a fireside chat. Contact us today to book a Teacher Workshops speaker for your next in-person, hybrid, or virtual event.

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Kanya Balakrishna
(2 ratings)

Co-Founder & CEO of The Future Project; Youth Empowerment & Education Advocate

Pedro Noguera

Educational Equity Proponent & Dean of the USC Rossier School of Education

Bruce Weinstein
(3 ratings)

Business Ethics & Leadership Expert; Author of "Ethical Intelligence," Character-Building & Motivational Speaker

Adora Svitak

Author, Youth Advocate, Wikimedia Foundation Strategist

Carl Wieman
(2 ratings)

Physicist and Educationist at Stanford University and Recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics

Jon Bergmann

Pioneer of the Flipped Class Movement & Bestselling Author of "Flip Your Classroom"; Member of the TED-Education Advisory Board

Michelle Rhee

Founder of StudentsFirst & Education Reform Advocate; Former D.C. Public Schools Chancellor

Alan November

Education Technology Leader, Founder of November Learning, Best-Selling Author

Susan B. Neuman

Educator, Researcher, and Education Policy-Maker

Harvey Silver

President of Silver Strong & Associates; Author of "The Core Six"

Stacy Pearsall

Photographer, Educator & Author; Producer & Host, "After Action"; Retired Veteran & Warriors Game Gold Medalist

Mitch Resnick

Mitchel Resnick is LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research, Director of the Okawa Center, and Director of the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab.

ShaoLan Hsueh

Previous Tech Writer, Investor and Entrepreneur; Founder of Chineasy; Author of Four Best-Selling Books on Software

Dr. Samantha Madhosingh

Clinical Psychologist, Emotional Intelligence Expert, Leadership Development Specialist

Danny Mekić

Dutch Technology Expert, Young Entrepreneur & Boardroom Advisor on Future Strategy, Innovation, and Digital Transformation

Rick Wormeli

Nationally Board Certified Teacher, Award-Winning Author, Educational Consultant

Carol A. Tomlinson

Education Professor, Special Education Expert, Author

Brooks Gibbs
(2 ratings)

Award-Winning Resilience Educator, Social Psychologist, Author & Creator of BULLY PROOF: The Step by Step Program to End Bullying

Jesse Miller

Expert in Social Media Awareness & Digital Citizenship; Founder of Mediated Reality

Grant D. Fairley

Inspirational Speaker, Executive Coach at McK Consulting, Brand Manager & Author